Nicolas Forestell: Wilson’s Snipe at the Consumnes River Preseve
Nicolas Forestell: A Surfbird in Monterey along with a Black Turnstone in the background
Nicolas Forestell: Long-billed Curlew at Crissy Field
Nicolas Forestell: Wandering Tattler at Pescadero State Beach
Nicolas Forestell: Red-necked Phalarope at Woodland WTP
Nicolas Forestell: Wilson’s Phalarope at Woodland WTP
Nicolas Forestell: Long-billed Curlew at Crissy Field
Nicolas Forestell: Red-Necked Phalarope at Rodeo Lagoon
Nicolas Forestell: Buff-Breasted Sandpiper in the West County Wastewater District Sewage Ponds
Nicolas Forestell: Ruff in Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge
Nicolas Forestell: Pectoral Sandpiper at Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge
Nicolas Forestell: Whimbrel at Point Piños
Nicolas Forestell: Sanderlings at Baker Beach
Nicolas Forestell: Least Sandpiper at Herons Head Park
Nicolas Forestell: Willet at Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline
Nicolas Forestell: Red Knots at Bodega Bay
Nicolas Forestell: Wilson’s Phalarope at Frank Lake
Nicolas Forestell: Willet on Plum Island
Nicolas Forestell: Least Sandpiper at Sandy Point State Reservation
Nicolas Forestell: Sanderling on Plum Island
Nicolas Forestell: Dunlin at Sandy Point
Nicolas Forestell: Sanderling on Plum Island
Nicolas Forestell: American Woodcock at Plum Island
Nicolas Forestell: Dunlin at Sandy Point