ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: War 2.0 - The impersonal carnage
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: TVs are a man's best friend
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: Audience macht frei | [also titled 'burning books with a click... remotely']
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: SOCIAL CONT[r]ACT | CONT[r]ATTO SOCIALE
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: How I learned to stop worrying and love the job
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: 1. Dialogue [refuse to rise to the bait] | Dialogo [Rifiuta di rispondere alla provocazione]
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: 2. Conflict [C'mon!] | Conflitto [Fatti sotto!]
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: Mutiny on the Bounty | Ammutinamento sul Bounty
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: Rivoluzione da Tiffany | Freak out at Tiffany's
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: Modelle [caducità] | Models [frailty]
ironicmoka - The catcher in the eye: No money for the Wedding - No way for the Rights