starsweety55: Fried Green Tomatoes!
starsweety55: Hey Ya'll!
starsweety55: Me and Nammy
starsweety55: Sally at Lady and Sons
starsweety55: Paula's buffet! YUM!
starsweety55: Me and Michelle
starsweety55: Lux and her parents
starsweety55: Jacey and her mom and a bit of her dad
starsweety55: The Lady and Sons Restaurant
starsweety55: Kevin and Jacey being so cool!
starsweety55: Nammy and Sally on the tour bus
starsweety55: Skull fence
starsweety55: IMG_2201.JPG
starsweety55: IMG_2203.JPG
starsweety55: Bonaventure Cemetary
starsweety55: IMG_2205.JPG
starsweety55: Abercorn St.
starsweety55: Melvin the giraffe had a good time in Savannah!
starsweety55: My baby dessert at Logan'sw
starsweety55: IMG_2212.JPG
starsweety55: IMG_2213.JPG
starsweety55: A size comparison for ya....
starsweety55: IMG_2215.JPG
starsweety55: IMG_2218.JPG
starsweety55: It's so tiny!