nicoangleys: Cross Orbweaver - Araneus diadematus 1
nicoangleys: Cross Orbweaver - Araneus diadematus 2
nicoangleys: Cross Orbweaver - Araneus diadematus 3
nicoangleys: Light catching on trees
nicoangleys: Spiderweb 20ft up in the light
nicoangleys: Low lying pink flowers - slow exposure
nicoangleys: Cross Orbweaver - Araneus diadematus 4
nicoangleys: Cross Orbweaver - Araneus diadematus 5
nicoangleys: Backglow on tall seeding flowers
nicoangleys: Backglow on tall seeding flowers 2
nicoangleys: Backglow on tall seeding flowers 3
nicoangleys: Seedpod ready to fly
nicoangleys: Seedpod ready to fly 2
nicoangleys: Green maple leaves backlit
nicoangleys: Light breaking in the maples
nicoangleys: Light breaking in the maples 2
nicoangleys: Golden hour in the UW Arboretum
nicoangleys: Bright redbug leaves
nicoangleys: Redbud texture
nicoangleys: Backlit redbud heart shaped leaf
nicoangleys: Edge of redbud
nicoangleys: Redbud texture of leaf backlit
nicoangleys: Redbud texture of leaf backlit 2
nicoangleys: Redbud texture of leaf backlit 3
nicoangleys: Redbud texture of leaf backlit 4 with black spots
nicoangleys: Redbud texture of leaf backlit 6
nicoangleys: Redbud texture of leaf backlit 5
nicoangleys: Pond Surface Growth - texture
nicoangleys: Pond Surface Growth - texture v
nicoangleys: Japanese Maple Samaras