nicoangleys: DayInYose 13 - bridal veil falls 2
nicoangleys: CRandHD 01 - Half Dome and Yosemite Valley from CR
nicoangleys: CRandHD 05 - looking SW from CR
nicoangleys: CRandHD 15 - HD diving board view
nicoangleys: DayInYose 09 - Tunnel View
nicoangleys: Sunrise Lakes 48 - SL3 close to the water
nicoangleys: Sunrise Lakes 30 - view East from lunchtime Dome - panor
nicoangleys: Sunrise Lakes 22 - marmot 4b
nicoangleys: Sunrise Lakes 16
nicoangleys: Great Basin NP - Johnson Lake - panor
nicoangleys: Grands Moulins - view onto Maurienne 2
nicoangleys: Grands Moulins - view along Belledonne from path
nicoangleys: Grands Moulins - view along Belledonne from path 2
nicoangleys: Grands Moulins - Mt Blanc 1
nicoangleys: Grands Moulins - edge of Belledonne and Aiguille d'Arves
nicoangleys: BCotG - Lone pine on the rock
nicoangleys: BCotG - Lone pine on the rock 2
nicoangleys: Grands Moulins - anemone des alpes
nicoangleys: View on the Mont Blanc from Grands Moulins - panor
nicoangleys: Annecy - Wisteria by Chateau
nicoangleys: View E from below Cassini Cross - panor
nicoangleys: Orange Lilly 1
nicoangleys: Jardins de Vizille - Flowering Catalpa
nicoangleys: Jardins de Vizille - Day Lilly 2
nicoangleys: Jardins de Vizille - chestnut blossoms
nicoangleys: Cedar Waxwing - Bombycilla cedrorum - 2
nicoangleys: Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus - 1
nicoangleys: Fem Red-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus - off she goes
nicoangleys: Baltimore Oriole - icterus galbula C 2
nicoangleys: Mallard eyes me wearily