nicoangleys: Milan overhead
nicoangleys: Walk into the woods
nicoangleys: Redwood by the lake
nicoangleys: Tree and sailboat on Lac Leman
nicoangleys: Top of Redwood
nicoangleys: Sail and Motor on Lac Leman Lake Geneva
nicoangleys: Gulls and Fisherman
nicoangleys: Birds speeding along the lake
nicoangleys: Cormorant and Gull in flight
nicoangleys: Lac leman - lake geneva
nicoangleys: Fishing and Sailing on Lac Leman
nicoangleys: Cross by Chat de Beauregard
nicoangleys: Cross by Chat de Beauregard 2
nicoangleys: Cross by Chat de Beauregard 3
nicoangleys: Pigeon Ramier dans l'arbre
nicoangleys: PXA smiling
nicoangleys: pxa and tka on the path
nicoangleys: bird flurry blurry
nicoangleys: Bird in flight 2
nicoangleys: Bird in flight 1
nicoangleys: Cedars near the lake
nicoangleys: Cedar cones and branches
nicoangleys: Milan profile in flight
nicoangleys: Fast swallow
nicoangleys: Sun on swallow in flight
nicoangleys: Swallow speeding West
nicoangleys: Swallows in flight - duo
nicoangleys: Church - Chens sur Leman
nicoangleys: View on the lake from Chens Sur Leman
nicoangleys: View on the lake from Chens Sur Leman 2