nicoangleys: Tiger Swallowtails in flight
nicoangleys: Orchard Orbweaver - Leucauge venusta 1
nicoangleys: Tiger Swallowtails in flight 2
nicoangleys: A day's catch - sixteen trout
nicoangleys: JPY on bridge with catch
nicoangleys: JPY pulls in a trout
nicoangleys: Grass by hwy
nicoangleys: Catherine St HH shot 1
nicoangleys: Catherine St HH shot 2
nicoangleys: Dairy and Arrowroot
nicoangleys: Web on fence
nicoangleys: Peter M - pork time
nicoangleys: Swallow in flight
nicoangleys: Champs - wec and injae
nicoangleys: amm and loui - pingpong
nicoangleys: Potential champs - jgm and kcc
nicoangleys: jpy and jrq - pingpong
nicoangleys: peter m and BDF - pingpong
nicoangleys: Helton Creek Falls 1
nicoangleys: Bird in flight
nicoangleys: Eastern Fence Lizard - Sceloporus undulatus
nicoangleys: Tiger Swallowtail
nicoangleys: In Jae waves at me on trail
nicoangleys: JRQ in photomode
nicoangleys: Orb weaver in center of web
nicoangleys: Rocks and Waterfall
nicoangleys: Silky river
nicoangleys: A day's catch - sixteen trout 2
nicoangleys: jgm on the dulcimer
nicoangleys: JPY on bridge with mess of trout