nicnac1000: Hoatzin (opisthocomus hoazin)
nicnac1000: Whimbrels (numenius phaeopus)
nicnac1000: Dusky-headed parakeets (aratinga weddellii)
nicnac1000: Flight of the Condor
nicnac1000: Southern Crested Caracara (caracara plancus)
nicnac1000: Andean condor (vultur gryphus)
nicnac1000: Capped Heron (pilherodius pileatus)
nicnac1000: Great Black Hawk (buteogallus urubitinga)
nicnac1000: Turkey Vulture (cathartes aura)
nicnac1000: Yellow-headed caracara (milvago chimachima)
nicnac1000: Neotropical Cormorant (phalacrocorax brasilianus)
nicnac1000: Black Vultures (coragyps atratus), Lima
nicnac1000: Inca tern (larosterna inca)
nicnac1000: Saffron Finch (sicalis flaveola)
nicnac1000: DSC_1640
nicnac1000: Roadside Hawk (rupornis magnirostris)
nicnac1000: Black Fronted Nunbird (monasa nigrifrons)
nicnac1000: Macaws
nicnac1000: Wattled Jacana (jacana jacana)
nicnac1000: Andean Condor (vultur gryphus)
nicnac1000: Amazon Kingfisher (chloroceryle amazona)
nicnac1000: Belcher's Gull (larus belcheri)
nicnac1000: Blackish Oystercatcher (haematopus ater)
nicnac1000: Black-collared hawk (busarellus nigricollis)
nicnac1000: Horned Screamer (anhima cornuta)
nicnac1000: Large-billed tern (phaetusa simplex)
nicnac1000: Rufous-collared sparrow or Andean sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis)