nicnac1000: Monreale
nicnac1000: 312. Maria Palaiologina
nicnac1000: Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome
nicnac1000: 220. Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo
nicnac1000: Beware of the Dog 79AD (Pompeii)
nicnac1000: Herculaneum
nicnac1000: Villa Romana, Sicily
nicnac1000: Aion Mosaic (3rd Century Roman), Munich
nicnac1000: John the Baptist, Istanbul
nicnac1000: Istanbul 2008
nicnac1000: 198. Christ and John the Baptist, Upper Gallery, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (1261) .
nicnac1000: 250. Ravenna
nicnac1000: Aion Mosaic
nicnac1000: 128. Abraham
nicnac1000: 211. Apse, St Vitale, Ravenna (6th Century)