Unhindered by Talent: As night falls in the village
Unhindered by Talent: Methwold Old Vicorage (Evening panorama)
Unhindered by Talent: Ends (and old odds)
Unhindered by Talent: A cap to keep the weather out
Unhindered by Talent: Flowers by the church door
Unhindered by Talent: Colors in need of some touch-up
Unhindered by Talent: A well aged rhombus
Unhindered by Talent: Different kinds of attachment
Unhindered by Talent: Roof tiles on the Bothy
Unhindered by Talent: I slept with this late 16th century painting
Unhindered by Talent: Looking in from the cold
Unhindered by Talent: Standing (Evening at Methwold)
Unhindered by Talent: Man know thyself
Unhindered by Talent: Shadows of ghosts
Unhindered by Talent: A window that's seen better days
Unhindered by Talent: Light leak