Unhindered by Talent:
Spinning that wheel
Unhindered by Talent:
A long lazy swing
Unhindered by Talent:
Up... and over!
Unhindered by Talent:
Quivering strings
Unhindered by Talent:
That feeling of being watched
Unhindered by Talent:
Suspicious characters
Unhindered by Talent:
Tiny tracks
Unhindered by Talent:
Rotary motion
Unhindered by Talent:
It almost looks like scratched up film
Unhindered by Talent:
It's all a matter of chance
Unhindered by Talent:
Dark messages
Unhindered by Talent:
Not quite a noose
Unhindered by Talent:
He's keeping an eye on you
Unhindered by Talent:
The musky eyes a duckling
Unhindered by Talent:
Heavy weather (Definitely not a bubble bath)
Unhindered by Talent:
Trembling in fear
Unhindered by Talent:
Not all blocks are square
Unhindered by Talent:
A few pieces are still out of place
Unhindered by Talent:
Unhindered by Talent:
Awaiting that strange day
Unhindered by Talent:
Curving slightly to the left
Unhindered by Talent:
I can hear the seismic anomoly
Unhindered by Talent:
Every cell is like a city
Unhindered by Talent:
Science buzz!!!
Unhindered by Talent:
Exit (Flying south for the winter)
Unhindered by Talent:
Liquid refreshment