Unhindered by Talent: Detail from "Frequency"
Unhindered by Talent: Grass stems
Unhindered by Talent: On a knife edge
Unhindered by Talent: On a knife point
Unhindered by Talent: Nature, red in tooth and claw
Unhindered by Talent: Hanging in space
Unhindered by Talent: Buzz saw (Ragged edge)
Unhindered by Talent: Different sorts of futures
Unhindered by Talent: The end of an orange
Unhindered by Talent: Floral pick up lines
Unhindered by Talent: Patina and scrollwork
Unhindered by Talent: The first piece
Unhindered by Talent: Leather (Pen and paper)
Unhindered by Talent: A difficult chasm to cross
Unhindered by Talent: 'Tis better to light a candle
Unhindered by Talent: Dead bat - mummified foot
Unhindered by Talent: Antique nails
Unhindered by Talent: Drum binding
Unhindered by Talent: Considering the matter closely
Unhindered by Talent: Looks like a Muppet nose
Unhindered by Talent: Pointing right here
Unhindered by Talent: Strange kind of lobster
Unhindered by Talent: Pottery shard
Unhindered by Talent: Adventures of a small interloper
Unhindered by Talent: That's a big gap for a small creature
Unhindered by Talent: Spicey and tart
Unhindered by Talent: Fragility (and time)
Unhindered by Talent: Focusing light (without a lens)