Unhindered by Talent:
Waiting to go on
Unhindered by Talent:
Watching the show
Unhindered by Talent:
Waiting for an idea
Unhindered by Talent:
White hands in harebells
Unhindered by Talent:
An arch joining metal and vine
Unhindered by Talent:
Yeah, that's cereal
Unhindered by Talent:
Twilight flowers 2
Unhindered by Talent:
Winding wetlands
Unhindered by Talent:
The once open prairie
Unhindered by Talent:
Plenty of room for the herd
Unhindered by Talent:
Starburst feeding station
Unhindered by Talent:
A squash tendril grabbing a leaf
Unhindered by Talent:
Brave things do not simply occur
Unhindered by Talent:
Between and across
Unhindered by Talent:
Gallery in glass
Unhindered by Talent:
Make Tea Not War
Unhindered by Talent:
Pastel crosses
Unhindered by Talent:
Cups and saucers
Unhindered by Talent:
Hardanger back bench (detail)
Unhindered by Talent:
A quiet night's snowfall
Unhindered by Talent:
The three, dance
Unhindered by Talent:
Holding back the snow
Unhindered by Talent:
Unhindered by Talent:
Turbine and abandoned cars
Unhindered by Talent:
Turbine and abandoned cars (retinex)
Unhindered by Talent:
Turbine, fog, and sun
Unhindered by Talent:
Cold steel chains
Unhindered by Talent:
Power lines (It wants to be an old photo)
Unhindered by Talent:
Power lines
Unhindered by Talent:
A cold reception at the gate