Nicky McGregor: Ready to go plop!
Nicky McGregor: Under starters orders
Nicky McGregor: Andy in the centre, looking right (his left!)
Nicky McGregor: Splashy splashy
Nicky McGregor: They're off
Nicky McGregor: Andy disappearing off to swim/bike transition, half out of his wetsuit already!
Nicky McGregor: Daniel waiting to see his dad
Nicky McGregor: Reg cycling
Nicky McGregor: Joe cycling
Nicky McGregor: Andy running
Nicky McGregor: Finn waiting for Daddy to run past
Nicky McGregor: Joe running
Nicky McGregor: Reg running
Nicky McGregor: Waiting at the finish line with Nanny
Nicky McGregor: Fuzzy Andy at the finish line
Nicky McGregor: Chickenbone congratulates Andy on his time 1:35:20
Nicky McGregor: Admiring the medal
Nicky McGregor: Reg, winner of our gang with 1:28:55 (despite man flu)
Nicky McGregor: Three boys round, with pretty close times. Joe on 1:40:12
Nicky McGregor: Rob cycling
Nicky McGregor: Rob running
Nicky McGregor: Rob home in 2:09:20
Nicky McGregor: Hug from Kirst (or is he collapsing on her?)
Nicky McGregor: Our heroes
Nicky McGregor: Lifting the old arms is tiring now
Nicky McGregor: S - P - L - A - S - H !
Nicky McGregor: Louis tries to drag Rob's broken body round the pub garden