Nicky McGregor: Moon and wing
Nicky McGregor: Rockefeller Center
Nicky McGregor: Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times
Nicky McGregor: Andy entering his idea of heaven
Nicky McGregor: Arched entrance to the New York Public Library
Nicky McGregor: Ssshhhhh
Nicky McGregor: Empire State lobby
Nicky McGregor: Going up
Nicky McGregor: Chrysler lobby
Nicky McGregor: Andy overwhelmed by marble
Nicky McGregor: Rockefeller reflection
Nicky McGregor: Minton Arcade in Central Park
Nicky McGregor: Minton Arcade in Central Park
Nicky McGregor: Minton Arcade in Central Park
Nicky McGregor: American Natural History Museum
Nicky McGregor: Gemsbok still life
Nicky McGregor: We're thinking wedding outfits
Nicky McGregor: Colima vase, Mexico
Nicky McGregor: Colima head, Mexico
Nicky McGregor: Mexican bird mask
Nicky McGregor: Rose Center for Earth & Space
Nicky McGregor: Stibnite close-up
Nicky McGregor: World's largest stibnite on public display
Nicky McGregor: Gem palette
Nicky McGregor: A few rocks, hanging around
Nicky McGregor: Pink sky over Midtown towards Central Park
Nicky McGregor: View north up Sixth Avenue (Avenue of the Americas)