Nicky McGregor: Rob Mitchell
Nicky McGregor: Alex loving his orange juice 1
Nicky McGregor: Alex loving his orange juice 2
Nicky McGregor: Alex loving his orange juice 3
Nicky McGregor: Hello Dad!
Nicky McGregor: Rosie and Alex looking in
Nicky McGregor: Lacock prettiness
Nicky McGregor: Clock in Lacock
Nicky McGregor: Lacock Abbey
Nicky McGregor: Some girls get all the luck
Nicky McGregor: Rob psyching Archie up for the ford crossing
Nicky McGregor: Intrepid
Nicky McGregor: That weir looks tempting . . .
Nicky McGregor: Goose and goslings
Nicky McGregor: Lynn sheep-bothering again
Nicky McGregor: It's a Kagool-off!
Nicky McGregor: At least the Nolanator was enjoying himself
Nicky McGregor: Concentrating face
Nicky McGregor: Bouncing is fun
Nicky McGregor: Thoughtful angel
Nicky McGregor: Seriously intellectual