symphonic knot: Recombiner
symphonic knot: At this point I am just taking photos of anything that says CRYO something
symphonic knot: Peter thinks it best that you restart your xpsedit.
symphonic knot: Does that mean Dan is my safety representative?
symphonic knot: They really do have the best signs.
symphonic knot: I believe this is the robot arm. When it tries to take over the world, press the button as shown.
symphonic knot: The alarm is on. How can this be good?
symphonic knot: Safety goggles through the ages
symphonic knot: I told you they have the best signs.
symphonic knot: Control room for baby-JET
symphonic knot: My job is crap. I want this job. They get these cool buttons and signs, and fault finding, AND TOKAMAKS. I mean really, I ask you.
symphonic knot: Checked!
symphonic knot: Checked!
symphonic knot: H.V. ON, H.V. OFF, H.V. ON, H.V. OFF, &c.