nicktann: pride flag
nicktann: cool aids ribbon balloon thing
nicktann: toga float
nicktann: queens on a float
nicktann: rainbow balloons
nicktann: rainbow balloons closer
nicktann: luau float w/ bondage dude on the back
nicktann: a queen, crazy hair lady and hot tie guy
nicktann: the garden's balls float
nicktann: clay's tight end in profile
nicktann: the ecliectic garden float
nicktann: kory, ryan and matt
nicktann: jan, adam, scott and chris
nicktann: chad, jacob, travis, jan and adam
nicktann: jacob, me and chad
nicktann: tammi's whore-gloss
nicktann: whore-gloss victim, kory
nicktann: drew, jan, chad and scott
nicktann: troy beveraging
nicktann: oops! she did it again?
nicktann: hit me baby, one more time (right in the face so my eyes will swell shut)
nicktann: i have no idea what i'm guesturing but kory seems happy :)
nicktann: hat's off to drew
nicktann: travis beveraging
nicktann: happy matty and jan
nicktann: close-up on the whore-gloss
nicktann: happy kory
nicktann: group shot
nicktann: the rice krispy "tony"
nicktann: suck it