Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: ETR 450 in Treno OK livery & E444 012 Roma Termini
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: E656 & E464 Napoli Centrale
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: ETR 450 set in standard livery, Roma Termini
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: ETR500 set, Roma Termini
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: A grimy E402A approaching Via del Artisti bridge Florence (web)
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: D445 1073 Firenza Campo di Marte (Web)
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: E464 653 approaching Via del Artisti bridge Florence with a local service (web)
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: Southbound Italo set Via del Artisti bridge Florence (1)
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: Unidentifed E464t - Via del Artisti bridge Florence (2)
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: Unidentified E402 - Via del Artisti bridge Florence (5)
Nick Quinn's Railways and other stuff: Unidentifed Freccia Rossa set - Via del Artisti bridge Florence (1)