nicknormal: The First Operation Under Ether by Robert C. Hinckley
nicknormal: The First Operation Under Ether by Robert C. Hinckley
nicknormal: Blood Transfusion Kit
nicknormal: Heart Rhythm Recording Device
nicknormal: Collection of Calculi
nicknormal: Collection of Calculi
nicknormal: Collection of Calculi
nicknormal: Collection of Calculi
nicknormal: litholapaxy and lithotrity instruments
nicknormal: litholapaxy and lithotrity instruments
nicknormal: scarificator
nicknormal: scarificators, bloodletting, cupping, lancets, lancet cases
nicknormal: trepan tip
nicknormal: trepan tip
nicknormal: trepan, cups
nicknormal: Mortui vivos docent.
nicknormal: "Classroom demonstration microscope, designed by Holmes to be easily passed between students during lecture, ca. 1865"
nicknormal: DSC01937
nicknormal: Plaster cast of an acephalic fetus
nicknormal: Model of vertebrae and ribs
nicknormal: "Beauchene" Skull
nicknormal: "Beauchene" Skull
nicknormal: "Beauchene" Skull
nicknormal: fetal skeleton
nicknormal: Fetal skeletons
nicknormal: Morton-type ether inhaler
nicknormal: Morton-type ether inhaler
nicknormal: Fetal Skeleton, 25 weeks
nicknormal: Fetal Skeleton, 25 weeks
nicknormal: Skeleton of an adult female with osteomalacia (rickets) 1857