nicknormal: bye bye sunset
nicknormal: departure
nicknormal: chance stories
nicknormal: chance recap
nicknormal: swing time!
nicknormal: clearing
nicknormal: ferry shoreline
nicknormal: Chrysler weeds
nicknormal: LIC condos
nicknormal: Greenpoint yonder
nicknormal: trailer skyline
nicknormal: a line goes through it
nicknormal: rock rubble
nicknormal: graff trailer
nicknormal: palette rubble
nicknormal: brick rubble
nicknormal: pier gear
nicknormal: pier perspective with the United Nations
nicknormal: pier missing
nicknormal: pier shore
nicknormal: condo weeds
nicknormal: seaplane & pier with person - NYC always puts you in perspective
nicknormal: World Trade piers and waters
nicknormal: disappearing perspectives
nicknormal: Empire State Shoreline
nicknormal: condo weeds
nicknormal: Empire State Growth
nicknormal: cartoon map
nicknormal: map survey
nicknormal: rubble for the taking