nicknormal: the arena
nicknormal: Team 3940's fibonacci hardware
nicknormal: conEd mobile machine shop
nicknormal: mentor and Team 4856
nicknormal: Team 5298 discussing fixes
nicknormal: tornado mindstorm
nicknormal: tornado mindstorm
nicknormal: flaming bots
nicknormal: flaming bots
nicknormal: flaming bots
nicknormal: flaming bots
nicknormal: rescue and recovery vehicle
nicknormal: mud slid!
nicknormal: rescue and recovery vehicle
nicknormal: mud slid!
nicknormal: Lego tornado model - with cow
nicknormal: disappearing house during tornado
nicknormal: disappearing house during tornado
nicknormal: disappearing house during tornado
nicknormal: motorized Lego hat
nicknormal: motorized Lego hat
nicknormal: about search, rescue and recovery
nicknormal: about search, rescue and recovery
nicknormal: FLL is one of my favs of the competition
nicknormal: FLL is one of my favs of the competition
nicknormal: First nyc