nicklwc: Closer to the moon?
nicklwc: Sunrise at Cameron Highlands
nicklwc: An Orton Sunrise
nicklwc: Bharat Panorama
nicklwc: Spot my Dad!
nicklwc: Water Cress Valley
nicklwc: Vantage Point of CH
nicklwc: Bharat Tea Plantation
nicklwc: Is that a flower over there?
nicklwc: Perched and ready
nicklwc: Jumping from rope to rope...
nicklwc: Getting up close
nicklwc: Grand flower
nicklwc: Coming out...
nicklwc: Petal power
nicklwc: Blooming out...
nicklwc: Thorny flower
nicklwc: Strawberry galore
nicklwc: Tomatoes everywhere!
nicklwc: The extinct
nicklwc: The King...
nicklwc: Wall-E and Eve?
nicklwc: The path to doom...
nicklwc: Still going strong...
nicklwc: Learning maths...
nicklwc: A pony for the young ones?
nicklwc: Not quite ready yet..
nicklwc: Not just a pretty fruit..
nicklwc: Growing up..
nicklwc: G'morning Encik Gunung