nicklwc: Blue-winged kingfisher
nicklwc: Play of light
nicklwc: Mr Colourful
nicklwc: Preparing for a meal?
nicklwc: Laughing kookaburra
nicklwc: Helicona?
nicklwc: Of sticks and birds
nicklwc: This is my best side
nicklwc: Mug shot
nicklwc: Lonesome?
nicklwc: Give me some fishes!
nicklwc: Spreading his wings
nicklwc: Being different
nicklwc: Line-up of ducks
nicklwc: Making my way down..
nicklwc: Egret
nicklwc: The pros..
nicklwc: The penguins
nicklwc: Not quite the Mandarin Duck
nicklwc: Next DiGi mascot?
nicklwc: Now where did all the fruits go?
nicklwc: Where did he find that?
nicklwc: Roof with a view..
nicklwc: Fancy some sushi?
nicklwc: Bald Eagle
nicklwc: Want a picture with me?
nicklwc: Why are they standing?
nicklwc: Mean looking fella
nicklwc: Elegant swan
nicklwc: Giant Eagle