1st January. Looked after Ed in the morning then cooked dinner for everyone. Only a little blood was spilled!
2nd January. A walk around the green with Ed and Jem then lunch and play time. A nightmare afternoon bedtime ended with Ed cuddling Rabbit for the first time ever.
3rd January. Spent most of the day typing and some of the day taking down the Christmas decorations.
4th January. Bit of a nightmare night meant breakfast at 6am them a second go at waking up at 9:30. A day of stacking, reading, jumping and repeating for Edward. Di helped out until lunch and Bird visited in the afternoon.
5th January. Took DinoBaby out for a run around John Lewis. He was obsessively watching the vacuum salesman pitch a Dyson to someone. That boy has issues.
6th January. Up from 5am to 7.15am with Ed, not so much fun. First library rhyme time of the year then off to battle through a weekly shop. A stroll around the park, playtime, giggles and bed.
7th January. Supposed to work all day but Ed decided he didn't want to sleep so that was the end of that. This is a rose from Jemma's table display. Pretty.
8th January. A failed walk around the green in the morning but a decent play at the park after lunch before a daddyfail letting him sleep from 3:30 until 6:30. Cue bedtime being 10:15 instead of 7:30 and my dinner being cheese and crackers in bed instead
9th January. Took the Fish to his swimming lesson in the morning then went and looked at buggies for him and the new baby. Dinner at Marts n Di's place then bed before 8:30!
10th January. A decent(ish) sleep followed by a crazy morning wrangling the Fish. Jem came home after lunch with a little present. I love marmite and she knows it.
11th January. Bit of a random start with Ed awake from 4 to 6am. Built the rocker cot for the new baby, went to the garden centre, ate pizza. All good.
12th January. A walk in Friday Woods in the morning followed by coffee and chats with Bird in town. Marts came round for dinner and some reading with Ed.
13th January. Daddy daycare in the morning seemed to mostly involve reading Goose about 50 times. Lunch and a FaceTime chat with Dan and William before Ed napped and I battled Sainsburys. Di came over for dinner and Ed decided he really didn't want to go
14th January. Highlights include Ed eating crayons and yellow paint, walking all the way around the loop and not making a fuss at bedtime.
15th January. Bit of an early start followed by a normal middle then a stupidly late nap meant we were shopping with Ed at 9pm! Did an extended drive home just to get him to sleep. We finally did the drive of shame.
16th January. Swimming with the Fish in the morning followed by admin and a trip to Fabric Rehab at lunch. Also took Ed to feed the ducks at Dedham.
17th January. Another day of admin. Marts came over for lunch before the midwife appointment and Jem and Ed went to see Lily and Steff while I worked. It was finally time to get the train set out for Ed. I had to test it all out, of course!
18th January. Marts n Di came round with fruit n veg in the morning before Jem went to work leaving me and Ed to read, play trains, jump on the sofa and throw things down the stairs!
19th January. A surprise visit to Ikea along with Marts n Di. Got something to store Ed's toys in, MnD got him a little table and chair set and some toy veg. Then it was back to ours to build furniture and eat roast beef, Christmas dinner mark 2.
20th January. A rush to miss the first library Rhyme Time so did things around town and went to the second. Odd sleeps from Ed and then tears and a temperature in the evening. Di came round to help look after Ed as he wasn't well and Jem was at work.
21st January. Another day with the poorly boy. He slept on my arm for most of the morning, so I was trapped. The rest of the day spent looking after Ed and a quick trip to the doctors in the afternoon.
22nd January. Tax return hell. Actually it's not been too bad as Jem took Ed out for the day to leave me to go through my piles if receipts. Only had to do a little searching through the random piles of paperwork that weren't sorted before we moved house.
23rd January. Finished the dreaded tax return and got a rebate! Looked after Ed all afternoon. Did colouring with crayons, he mostly ate them, walking outside, he mostly sat down, and hide and seek, he mostly his in the middle of the room with his head bu
24th January. A morning looking after this terror then packing bags for a shoot. Shoot was cancelled so an evening cleaning the house before shepherd's pie and bed.
25th January. Pancakes and croissants for breakfast with Marts n Di then a family day trip to Bury St Edmonds for a wander and lunch at Carluccios. Ed tried everything we had to eat, surprise surprise.
26th January. Ed finally slept a whole night without waking up! He slept 10pm until 7.30am. That's the first time in 16 months. We got the new buggy today too. It's going to be weird pushing that huge thing around.
27th January. Had a really crap night's sleep and failed to get the car seat out if the car so didn't get to the library with Ed. He cried his way through lunch and wasn't happy until Jem got home. This was the only picture I took all day.
28th January. Took Ed to meet Marts and run around the First Site gallery. Had a coffee then rushed home so Jem could go to work. Looked after Ed in the afternoon and evening.
29th January. Alarm went off at 0430 to take Marts n Di to the airport. Came home to find Ed had been awake since 5am. Managed to get a short nap in then a quick trip to town before a lush chilli dinner and early(ish) bed.
30th January. Ed decided a nap 15 minutes before we had to leave for swimming was a good idea. Cue a grumpy wake up on the transfer out to the car. He got back to his normal happy self eventually and had a great time splashing the other babies in the pool