Nicholas Coates:
Walking back to Grasmere
Nicholas Coates:
Helm Crag
Nicholas Coates:
Steel Fell (aka Dead Pike)
Nicholas Coates:
Calf Crag
Nicholas Coates:
"The Howitzer", Helm Crag
Nicholas Coates:
"The Lion and the Lamb", Helm Crag
Nicholas Coates:
Stickle Tarn
Nicholas Coates:
Stickle Tarn and the Langdale Pikes
Nicholas Coates:
Sergeant Man
Nicholas Coates:
High Raise (Langdale)
Nicholas Coates:
Thunacar Knott
Nicholas Coates:
Panorama from Pavey Ark
Nicholas Coates:
Pike Of Stickle
Nicholas Coates:
Self Portrait, Pike O' Stickle
Nicholas Coates:
Loft Crag
Nicholas Coates:
Loft Crag Panorama
Nicholas Coates:
Loft Crag Summit
Nicholas Coates:
Derwentwater Timelapse
Nicholas Coates:
High Seat
Nicholas Coates:
High Seat
Nicholas Coates:
Bleaberry Fell
Nicholas Coates:
Derwentwater with Catbells, from Walla Crag
Nicholas Coates:
Walla Crag
Nicholas Coates:
Is there any greater happiness than finding a forgotten packet of Polo mints in your rucksack?
Nicholas Coates:
Slater's Bridge
Nicholas Coates:
Slater's Bridge and Lingmoor Fell
Nicholas Coates:
Slater's Bridge
Nicholas Coates:
Lingmoor Fell
Nicholas Coates:
Lingmoor Fell
Nicholas Coates:
Harrison Stickle from Side Pike