Nicholas Coates:
View Towards Manchester
Nicholas Coates:
Winter Hill
Nicholas Coates:
The Kissing Gate
Nicholas Coates:
Three Trees in Anchor Fields
Nicholas Coates:
Blackthorn Hedge
Nicholas Coates:
Backthorn, Prunus spinosa
Nicholas Coates:
Let's all just ignore the 21st Century for a while, shall we?
Nicholas Coates:
Backthorn, Prunus spinosa
Nicholas Coates:
Meanwhile, spring continues unabated.
Nicholas Coates:
Halfpenny Lane
Nicholas Coates:
Wood Anemones
Nicholas Coates:
Good Mooo-ning
Nicholas Coates:
The Farm, Morning
Nicholas Coates:
I think they're just curious really, and they seem friendly.
Nicholas Coates:
We don't have mountains, we have hedges, but the skies can be huge
Nicholas Coates:
Morning Sun, Spring
Nicholas Coates:
The Oak
Nicholas Coates:
We’re All Out for an Early Walk
Nicholas Coates:
Morning on Mawdesley Moss
Nicholas Coates:
Croston Moss
Nicholas Coates:
Wood Anemone (Anenome nemorosa)
Nicholas Coates:
Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna)
Nicholas Coates:
Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis arvensis)
Nicholas Coates:
Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
Nicholas Coates:
Forget-Me-Not 2 (Myosotis arvensis)
Nicholas Coates:
Wood Anemone, an indicator of ancient woodland
Nicholas Coates:
Wood Sorrel, landscape at the fairies' level
Nicholas Coates:
Dog's Mercury (Mercurialis perennis)
Nicholas Coates:
Garlic Mustard, aka Jack-by-the-Hedge (Alliaria petiolata)
Nicholas Coates:
Bluebell (Hayacinthoides non-scripta)