sweetmarias: I don't care if it's wrong. There's no more coffee in the house and I want it hot!
Counter Culture Coffee: Limited edition Erin McCarthy denim jacket Kalitas are in!! Available on the #CCCVarietyShow tour. Jackets by @soshesews! (Moises is here too!) @kalitausa @erinmccarthy88
Tumi Ferrer: Benefits of moving: discovering I still have a few kantans to play around with.
gorillatampers: IMG_9060
Tim Varney: Mirrored
Deaton Pigot: These two! #coffeepeeps
CoffeeGeek: Nonconformist.
Fresh Ground: Distracted-refracted.
lucey: Boni & Grant
DaseinDesign: US Barista Championship 2009
Curt B: SERBC 09
hricardo: Danger Dan or Peter Pan?