nickcalyx: Green House still life
nickcalyx: At the Green House #2
nickcalyx: At the Green House #3
nickcalyx: Day View
nickcalyx: Piraat Beer cap
nickcalyx: Graffiti Alley
nickcalyx: Piraat and Gulden Draak beers
nickcalyx: Beer Art #1
nickcalyx: Beer Art #2
nickcalyx: Beer Art #3
nickcalyx: Beer Art #4
nickcalyx: Beer Art #5
nickcalyx: Monument to the Jews of Amsterdam
nickcalyx: Old Dutch
nickcalyx: Motorcycle with Side-car
nickcalyx: Invitation to the Dance
nickcalyx: Going My Way
nickcalyx: Map of the Jews of Amsterdam, pre-war
nickcalyx: WWII era photo of famous Amsterdam square
nickcalyx: De Joden in Het Ghetto (The Jews in the Ghetto)
nickcalyx: De Joden in Nederland (The Jews in Holland)
nickcalyx: Right wing propaganda display
nickcalyx: Voor Krachtig Staatsbestuur
nickcalyx: Communist propaganda
nickcalyx: Bread propaganda
nickcalyx: Communist propaganda #2
nickcalyx: Fascists Marching #1
nickcalyx: Fascists Marching #2
nickcalyx: Fascists Marching #3
nickcalyx: Father Figure #1