nickcalyx: eve?
nickcalyx: scary man
nickcalyx: Trees mosaic from Delancey St. station
nickcalyx: Times Square
nickcalyx: Chambers street J/M/Z subway stop
nickcalyx: Big brother is watching you
nickcalyx: Soler
nickcalyx: Eye mosaic #1
nickcalyx: Eye mosaic #2
nickcalyx: Eye mosaic #3
nickcalyx: Eye mosaic #4
nickcalyx: Eye mosaic #5
nickcalyx: F*ck this neo-nazi sh*t
nickcalyx: 53rd and Lexington subway mosaic
nickcalyx: Lobby mosaic #1
nickcalyx: Lobby mosaic #2
nickcalyx: Lobby mosaic #3
nickcalyx: frederick douglass
nickcalyx: Subway Surveillance Array
nickcalyx: may be ?
nickcalyx: My patron saint?
nickcalyx: Natty old dude from the subway
nickcalyx: Half a loaf is better than none / The show must go on
nickcalyx: Officer Falls catches up on paperwork
nickcalyx: asleep
nickcalyx: 207th Street Station
nickcalyx: Air Train Symbol
nickcalyx: Book reading woman
nickcalyx: Penny holding gnome type of thing
nickcalyx: The family-destroying lobster of capitalism