Nick.Bayes: Ely Cathedral
Nick.Bayes: DSCF3441
Nick.Bayes: DSCF3442
Nick.Bayes: Ely Cathedral
Nick.Bayes: DSCF3444
Nick.Bayes: DSCF3445
Nick.Bayes: DSCF3446
Nick.Bayes: Oliver Cromwell's House Ely
Nick.Bayes: Cromwell's House Ely
Nick.Bayes: Sacrist's Gate Ely Cathedral
Nick.Bayes: Sacrist's gate Ely Cathedral.
Nick.Bayes: Ely Cathedral
Nick.Bayes: Canada Geese in the rain on the Great Ouse River Ely
Nick.Bayes: DSCF3487
Nick.Bayes: DSCF3488
Nick.Bayes: Jay in Ely Cathedral grounds
Nick.Bayes: Ely Cathedral