njkay: Australia Day Fireworks
njkay: Australia Day Fireworks
njkay: Perth at dusk
njkay: All the other boats
njkay: Ky explains
njkay: Dave despairs
njkay: Pen and Dave
njkay: Australia Day
njkay: Next boat neighbours
njkay: Chris and Cat
njkay: Bre and Clare
njkay: The crew
njkay: On the stern
njkay: Simon and Kylie
njkay: Plan C
njkay: Dave and the sun
njkay: Canberra visitors
njkay: That's why they call it business time
njkay: Ian
njkay: Australia Day Pie
njkay: Simon
njkay: Sal
njkay: Swan Brewery
njkay: The Commodore's flag