nick sturrock: cuba libre!
nick sturrock: man, what are you doing here?
nick sturrock: streetlife
nick sturrock: we weren't expecting you
nick sturrock: cuba's busiest man
nick sturrock: habana vieja
nick sturrock: classic interior
nick sturrock: study in green XII
nick sturrock: i never forget a face
nick sturrock: the bullet
nick sturrock: crescendo
nick sturrock: there's a fine line
nick sturrock: stripes
nick sturrock: catch of the day
nick sturrock: skyline
nick sturrock: from russia with love
nick sturrock: on the steps
nick sturrock: the divers
nick sturrock: a balancing act
nick sturrock: the young man and the sea
nick sturrock: don't turn your back
nick sturrock: the rush
nick sturrock: counterpoint
nick sturrock: at the museo nacional de bellas artes (no photos allowed)
nick sturrock: the flower stall