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albums of thomasnicodemus
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Acapulco, Mexico - 02-26-2019
Zihua Day 4, 2-22-2019
Zihua Day 3, 2-21-2019
Zihua Day 2, 2-20-2019
Zihua Day 1, 2-19-2019
08-28-2019, Sund Rock
08-27-2019, Jorsted Creek
08-26-2019, Mike's Beach
08-22-2019, Sunnyside Beach
08-20-2019, Fox Island West Wall
08-19-2019, Three Tree North
08-07-2019, Three Tree North
04-02-2019, Redondo
02-26-2019, Acapulco, Mexico
12-21-2018, Keystone Jetty
12-11-2018, Three Tree North
12-09-2018, Redondo
12-06-2018, Redondo
11-15-2018, Day Island Wall
11-01-2018, Titlow
10-30-2018, Fox Island West Wall
10-18-2018, Three Tree North
08-08-2018, Three Tree North
08-07-2018, Saltwater State Park
08-02-2018, Redondo
08-04-2018, Redondo
07-24-2018, Three Tree Point
07-14-2018, Redondo
07-10-2018, Three Tree North
07-09-2018, Redondo
05-10-2018, The Rock
05-09-2018, Eden's Rubble
04-10-2018, Sunrise Beach
04-09-2018, Day Island Wall
03-12-2018, Titlow
03-12-2018, Day Island Wall
03-06-2018, Fox Island West Wall
03-01-2018, Redondo
02-22-2018, Redondo
02-13-2018, Saltwater State Park
02-08-2018, #2 Three Tree North
02-08-2018, #1 Three Tree North
02-01-2018, #3 Redondo
02-01-2018, #2 Three Tree North
02-01-2018, #1 Three Tree North
01-23-2018, #2 Fox Island West Wall
01-23-2018, #1 Fox Island West Wall
01-11-2018, Les Davis
01-15-2018, #2 Fox Island West Wall
01-15-2018, #1 Fox Island West Wall
01-15-2018, Day Island Wall
01-12-2018, Three Tree North
01-04-2018, #4 Redondo
01-04-2018, #3 Redondo
01-04-2018, #2 Three Tree North
01-04-2018, #1 Three Tree North
12-29-2017, Sund Rock, South Wall
12-29-2017, Sund Rock, Fish Pen Wall
12-29-2017, Sund Rock, Trawler & North Wall
12-21-2017, Les Davis
12-14-2017, Three Tree North
12-09-2017, Redondo
12-07-2017, Redondo
10-30-2017, Three Tree North
10-26-2017, Day Island Wall
10-10-2017, Norrander's Reef
10-05-2017, Redondo
09-27-2017, SILFRA
10-03-2017, Redondo
09-27-2017, Silfra
09-26-2017, Gardur
09-22-2017, Lyngsbo
09-18-2017, Lighthouse Breakwater
09-15-2017, Sobadet
09-13-2017, Lighthouse Breakwater
09-06-2017, Three Tree North
09-02-2017, Long Island Back Side
09-02-2017, UW Wall
09-01-2017, Larry's Lair
09-01-2017, Eagle Point
08-31-2017, James Island North
08-31-2017, Broken Point West
08-30-2017, Point George
08-30-2017, Bell Island West
08-29-2017, Bare Island
08-29-2017, O'Niel Island North Wall
08-24-2017, Redondo
08-16-2017, Les Davis
08-16-2017, CI Shenanigans
08-23-2017, Sunnyside
08-14-2017, Fox Island West Wall
08-09-2017, Three Tree North
08-03-2017, Pt. Hudson #2
08-03-2017, Marine Science Center Dock
08-03-2017, Pt. Hudson #1
08-02-2017, Pt. Whitney
08-02-2017, Octopus Hole
08-01-2017, Fox Island East Wall
08-04-2017, Norrander's Reef
08-01-2017, Fox Island West Wall
07-31-2017, Day Island Wall
07-31-2017, Titlow
07-03-2017, Titlow
07-03-2017, #1 Day Island Wall
07-04-2017, Titlow
07-11-2017, Sund Rock with Joseph
06-23-2017, Sund Rock
06-21-2017, Three Tree Point
06-16-2017, Three Tree North
06-13-2017, Three Tree North
05-08-2017, #3 Eden's Rubble
05-08-2017, #2 Red Beryl North
05-08-2017, #1 Chocogo
05-07-2017, #4 Alice In Wonderland
05-03-2017, The Cliff
05-07-2017, #2 Pink Beach
05-07-2017, #3 Salt Pier
05-07-2017, #1 Buddy's Reef
05-05-2017, #4 Angel City
05-04-2017, #4 The Cliff
05-04-2017, #3 Weber's Joy
05-06-2017, #3 Eden's Rubble
05-06-2017, #1 The Cliff
05-06-2017, #2 Small Wall
05-05-2017, #3 Aquarius
05-05-2017, #2 Larry's Lair
05-05-2017, #1 Hilma Hooker
05-04-2017, #2 1,000 Steps
05-04-2017, #1 Ol' Blue
04-29-2017, #4 Small Wall
05-02-2017, #4 Windsock
05-02-2017, #3 The Rock
05-02-2017, #2 My Place
05-02-2017, #1 Margate Bay North
04-30-2017, #3 Yellow Submarine
04-30-2017, #2 Club Nautico Pier
04-30-2017, #1 Calabas Reef
05-01-2017, #3 Oil Slick Leap
05-01-2017, #2 Andrea 2
05-01-2017, #1 Andrea 1
04-30-2017, #4 Bari Reef
04-29-2017, #3 Petrie's Pillar
04-29-2017. #2 The Cliff
04-29-2017, #1 Buddy's Reef
04-28-2017, #4 Tori's Reef
04-28-2017, #3 Lunch Tree
04-28-2017, #2 Margate Bay
04-28-2017, #1 Vista Blue
04-27-2017, Something Special
04-27-2017, Eden's Rubble
03-23-2017, Saltwater State Park
12-30-2016, Fox Island West Wall
12-30-2016, Fox Island East Wall
12-28-2016, Titlow
12-23-2016, Redondo
08-26-2016, Third Beach Reef
08-26-2016, Waddah East Fingers
08-25-2016, Steve's Caves
08-25-2016, Box Canyon
12-05-2016, Day Island Wall
08-24-2016, Skagway Rocks
08-24-2016, Puffin Point
08-23-2016, #2 Tatoosh South
08-23-2016, #1 Chibadehl
11-28-2016, Redondo
10-11-2016, Day Island Wall
10-24-2016, Redondo
08-11-2016, Day Island Wall #2
08-11-2016, Day Island Wall #1
08-04-2016, Redondo
06-16-2016, Three Tree North
06-10-2016, Redondo
05-11-2016, #4 The Cliff
05-11-2016, #3 Buddy's Reef
05-11-2016, #2 The Lake
05-11-2016, #1 Sarah's Smile
05-10-2016 #3, Red Beryl
05-10-2016 #2, Hidden Beach
05-10-2016 #1 Red Slave
05-09-2016 #4, Punt Vierkant
05-09-2016, #3 Aquarius
05-09-2016 #2, Fish Hut South
05-09-2016, #1 Fish Hut
05-08-2016, #4 Jeannie's Glory
05-08-2016, #3 Salt Pier
05-08-2016, #2 Vista Blue
05-08-2016, #1 Atlantis
05-07-2016, #2 Soft Coral Garden
05-07-2016, #1 Yellow Hut
05-06-2016, #4 Larry's Lair
05-06-2016, #3 Invisibles
05-06-2016, #2 Hidden Beach
05-06-2016, #1 Sarah's Smile
05-05-2016, #4 Sarah's Smile
05-05-2016, #3 My Place
05-05-2016, #2 Pink Beach
05-05-2016, #1 The Rock
05-04-2016, #3 Sarah's Smile
05-04-2016, #2 Playa Benge
05-04-2016, #1 Boka Bartol
05-03-2016, #4 Something Special
05-03-2016, #3 Calabas Reef
05-03-2016, #2 White Slave
05-03-2016, #1 English Garden
05-02-2016, #4 Tori's Reef
05-02-2016, #3 Vista Blue
05-02-2016, #2 Chocogo
05-02-2016, #1 Salt Pier, Dive 1,000
05-01-2016, #4 Margate Bay North
05-01-2016, #2 Red Beryl North
05-01-2016, #3 Margate Bay
05-01-2016, #1 Red Beryl
04-30-2016, #3 Pink Beach North
04-30-2016, #2 Alice in Wonderland
04-30-2016, #1 Sarah's Smile
02-23-2016, Three Tree North
12-30-2015, Redondo
12-29-2015, Three Tree North
12-15-2015, Three Tree North
08-21-2015, Whaleback
08-21-2015, Steve's Caves
08-20-2015, Chibadehl
08-20-2015, Box Canyon
08-19-2015, Tatoosh South
09-24-2015, Redondo
09-22-2015, Pt. Hudson
09-22-2015, Marine Science Center Dock
09-22-2015, Pt. Whitney
09-18-2015, Three Tree North
08-19-2015, Mushroom Rock
08-18-2015, Sekiu Jetty
August 2015, Iquique, Chile
August 2015, Iquique, Chile
11-13-2014, Three Tree North
11-01-2014, Sund Rock
10-09-2014, Three Tree North
10-02-2014, Redondo
09-18-2014, Redondo
08-08-2014, Mushroom Rock
08-08-2014, Waddah East Fingers
08-07-2014, Third Beach Reef
08-07-2014, Tatoosh South
08-06-2014, Slant Rock
08-06-2014, Box Canyon
August 4-8-2014, Sick Sea Stars Sekiu & Neah Bay
08-05-2014, Chibadehl Rocks
08-05-2014, Tatoosh East
08-04-2014, Sekiu Jetty
07-31-2014, Redondo
07-29-2014, Sund Rock
07-11-2014, Redondo
07-08-2014, Day Island Wall
07-08-2014, Titlow
07-06-2014, Day Island Wall
06-26-2014, Three Tree North
06-12-2014, Three Tree Point
06-18-2014, Redondo
05-19-2014, Crabs
05-19-2014, Fire Rock
05-18-2014, Monastery South
05-17-2014, Outer McAbee
05-17-2014, Aumentos
05-16-2014, Pt. Lobos
04-16-2014, Three Tree North
03-07-2014, Sund Rock
01-30-2014, Three Tree North
01-16-2014, Day 7
01-15-2014, Day 6
01-14-2014, Day 5
01-13-2014, Day 4
01-12-2014, Day 3
01-11-2014, Day 2
01-10-2014, Day 1
11-07-2013, Three Tree North
10-11-2013, Lawrence Point
10-11-2013, Bell island West
10-10-2013, Flattop Reserve
10-10-2013, Bell Island
10-09-2013, Yellow Island West
10-09-2013, Strawberry Wall
10-08-2013, Breakfast Rock
09-29-2013, Seddell Island Wall
09-28-2013, Chup Point
09-27-2013, Rendezvous House Reef
09-27-2013, Diplock Reef
09-26-2013, Rendezvous House Reef
09-26-2013, Renate's Reef
09-26-2013, Kyen Point
09-14-2013, Flagpole
09-12-2013, Three Tree North
08-28-2013, Titlow
08-28-2013, Day Island Wall
08-14-2013, Janna's Joy
8-14-2013, Box Canyon
8-13-2013, Tatoosh South
08-13-2013, Skagway Rocks
08-12-2013, Sekiu Jetty
08-07-2013, Redondo
06-29-2013, Day 8
06-25-2013, Day 4
06-30-2013, Day 9
06-23-2013, Day 2
06-26-2013, Day 5
06-28-2013, Day 7
06-27-2013, Day 6
07-02-2013, Day 11
07-01-2013, Day 10
06-24-2013, Day 3
06-22-2013, Day 1
03-21-2013, Sund Rock
01-31-2013, Mahknati Rock
01-30-2013, Six Mile Rock
01-30-2013, South Whale Island Pinnacle
01-29-2013, Sitka Channel
01-24-2013, Redondo
01-23-2013, Sund Rock
01-18-2013, Fox Island West Wall
12-27-2012, Sund Rock
12-06-2012, Sund Rock
10-18-2012, Three Tree North
10-11-2012, Jorstad Creek
10-11-2012, Octopus Hole
10-05-2012, Pt. Hudson
09-27-2012, Three Tree North
09-10-2012, Edmonds Underwater Park
08-16-2012, #1 Koitlah Point
08-15-2012, #2 Slant Rock
08-15-2012, #1 Skagway Rocks
09-06-2012, Three Tree North
08-14-2012, #2 Tatoosh South
08-14-2012, #1 Janna's Joy
08-13-2012, #2 Box Canyon
08-13-2012, #1 Mushroom Rock
08-02-2012, Redondo
07-13-2012, #1 Fish Pen Wall
07-26-2012, Jorsted Creek
07-14-2012, Norrander's Reef
06-30-2012, Redondo
06-28-2012, Three Tree North
06-06-2012, Nukove & Taylor Maid
06-05-2012, Invisibles & Yellow Submarine
06-05-2012, Chocogo & Margate Bay
06-04-2012, The Cliff & Salt Pier Dive #700
06-04-2012, Angel City & Hilma Hooker
06-03-2012, Windsock WannaDive & Weber's Joy
06-03-2012, Alice In Wonderland & Salt Pier
06-02-2012, Jeff Davis & Bari Reef
06-02-2012, Eden's Rubble & Oil Slick
04-05-2012, TTN #2
04-05-2012, TTN #1
03-30-2012, Titlow
03-30-2012, Fox Island East Wall
03-29-2012, Three Tree North
03-22-2012, Jorstad Creek
03-15-2012, CI Shenanigans
03-15-2012, Fox Island West Wall
05-23-2011, #1 Angel City
03-08-2012, Sund Rock
03-01-2012, Three Tree North
02-17-2012, Sund Rock, North Wall & Trawler
01-09-2012, Three Tree North
05-22-2011, #4, Alice in Wonderland
05-22-2011, #3, Soft Coral Garden
05-22-2011, #2, Red Beryl North
05-22-2011, #1, Fish Hut South
05-21-2011, #2, Bari at Night, Sailboat
05-21-2011, #1 Bari Reef, Tug
12-15-2011, Fox Island West Wall
11-25-2011, Three Tree North
11-15-2011, Sund Rock
11-14-2011, Pt. Hudson
11-07-2011, Redondo
10-27-2011, Three Tree North
10-25-2011, Three Tree North
10-20-2011, Pt. Hudson
10-02-2011, The Laughing Oyster
10-02-2011, End of the Road
09-30-2011, Kent's Beach Cabin Topside
10-03-2011, Mermaid Cove
10-02-2011, Okeover Breakwater
10-01-2011, Wreck of the Malahat
09-30-2011, Mermaid Cove
09-29-2011, Sechelt & Getting To Powell River
09-29-2011, Martin Cove
08-27-2011, Dive #2, Kydikabbit Point
08-27-2010, Dive #1, Chibadehl Rocks
08-26-2010, Dive #2, Waddah Raceway
08-26-2010, Dive #1, Koitlah Point
08-25-2010, Dive #2, Slant Rock
08-25-2010, Dive #1, Janna's Joy
08-24-2010, Dive #2, Mushroom Rock
08-24-2010, Dive #1, Tatoosh South
08-23-2010, Dive #2, Box Canyon
08-23-2010, Dive #1 Skagway Rocks
07-14-2011, Les Davis
07-11-2011, Sund Rock
8-5-2010, Hudson Point Jetty
07-19-2010, Sund Rock
05-27-2010, #5 Buddy's Reef
05-27-2010, #1 Atlantis
05-24-2010, #2 Vista Blue
05-22-2010, #4 Calabas Reef
05-22-2010, #3 Soft Coral Garden
05-22-2010, #2 Hilma Hooker
05-21-2010, #4 Hidden Beach
05-21-2010, #3 Yellow Hut
05-21-2010, #2 Chocogo
05-21-2010, #1 Red Slave
05-20-2010, #2 Windsock Wannadive
05-20-2010, #1 The Rock
05-19-2010, #2 Tori's Reef
05-18-2010, #4 Karpata
05-18-2010, #3 Candyland
05-17-2010, #3 Eden's Rubble
05-17-2010, #2 Fish Hut South
05-17-2010, #1 Red Beryl North
05-18-2010, #2 Taylor Maid
05-18-2010, #1 Nukove
05-16-2010, #4 Oil Slick Leap
05-16-2010, #3 Jeff Davis
05-16-2010, #2 Weber's Joy
05-15-2010, Eden's Rubble
04-30-2010, Kauai, Amber's Arch & Turtle Bluffs
04-29-2010, Kauai, Happy Talk & Hale O Honu
04-16-2010, Sund Rock
01-23-2010, Hood Canal
01-01-2010, Sund Rock
12-30-2009, Les Davis
12-31-2009, Three Tree North
12-21-2009, Redondo
12-21-2009, Titlow
12-12-2009, Three Tree North
11-27-2009, Three Tree North
11-26-2009, Three Tree North
11-22-2009, Day Island Wall
11-16-2009, Sunnyside Beach
10-30-2009, Three Tree North
10-23-2009, Nudi Kung Fu, Nootka Sound
10-23-2009, Crowhurst Crawl
10-23-2009, Mozino Point, Nootka Sound
10-22-2009, Boulder Alley, Nootka Sound
10-22-2009, Mozino Point, Nootka Sound
10-21-2009, Diane's Drift, Nootka Sound
10-20-2009, The Zoo, Nootka Sound
10-20-2009, Boulder Alley, Nootka Sound
10-19-2009, Diane's Drift, Nootka Sound
10-19-2009, Mozino Point, Nootka Sound
10-12-2009, The Knuckle, Hood Canal
10-12-2009, Cloud 9, Hood Canal
10-08-2009, Three Tree North
10-02-2009, Three Tree North
09-28-2009, Three Tree North
09-21-2009, Sund Rock
09-07-2009, #2 Fox Island West Wall
09-07-2009, #1 Les Davis
09-04-2009, Three Tree North
08-27-2009, #3 Lawson's Bluff
08-27-2009, #2 Belle Island
08-27-2009, #1 Gull Rock
08-13-2009, Sund Rock
08-10-2009, Ewing Island, Dive 1
08-01-2009, Three Tree North
07-30-2009, Les Davis
07-27-2009, Three Tree North
07-17-2009, Three Tree North
07-13-2009, Sund Rock #2
07-13-2009, Sund Rock #1
07-11-2009, Redondo
07-03-2009, Redondo
06-24-2009, Les Davis
06-20-2009, Redondo
06-22-2009, Les Davis
06-15-2009, Saltwater St Pk
06-05-2009, Three Tree North
1988, Gustavus, Alaska
04-20-2009, Pelican Wall
04-20-2009, Revolution Wall
04-20-2009, NW Big Cone Island
04-13-2009, Three Tree North
04-06-2009, Sund Rock
03-28-2009, Club Dive
03-23-2009, Redondo
03-14-2009, #2 The Cliff
03-14-2009, #1 Weber's Joy
03-13-2009, #3 Karpata
03-13-2009, #2 Ol' Blue
03-13-2009, #1 Thousand Steps
03-12-2009, #4 Calabas Reef
03-12-2009, #3 Drift City
03-12-2009, #2 M Plus 2
03-12-2009, #1 M Plus 1
03-11-2009, #4 Hidden Beach
03-11-2009, #3 Soft Coral Garden
03-11-2009, #2 Yellow Hut
03-11-2009, #1 Chocogo
03-10-2009, #4 Corporal Weiss
03-10-2009, #3 Jeannie's Glory / Salt Pier
03-10-2009, #2 English Garden
03-10-2009, #1 Red Beryl North
03-09-2009, #4 Punt Vierkant