nicholall: Composition
nicholall: IC342 "The Hidden Galaxy"
nicholall: Tracking Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2
nicholall: Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2
nicholall: Cave Nebula
nicholall: Andromeda
nicholall: Perseus Cluster
nicholall: NGC7331 to Stephan's Quintet
nicholall: Triangulum Galaxy
nicholall: Globular Cluster M92
nicholall: M106 & Neighbors
nicholall: M106 Crop
nicholall: M106
nicholall: Comet PanSTARRS
nicholall: Orion Nebula
nicholall: Winter Halo
nicholall: NGC 6946 - Fireworks Galaxy
nicholall: Stephan's Quintet
nicholall: NGC7023 Iris Nebula
nicholall: M13 - Globular Cluster
nicholall: Venus Tranist
nicholall: M81and M82
nicholall: M42 - Orion Nebula
nicholall: M27 - Dumbbell Nebula
nicholall: Messier 39 - Open Cluster
nicholall: IMG_2323
nicholall: M2 - Globular Cluster with Barlow
nicholall: M2 - Globular Cluster
nicholall: M101 with Supernova PTF11kly
nicholall: M101 Supernova PTF11kly