nicgee: 041
nicgee: IMAG1141
nicgee: IMAG1142
nicgee: IMAG1143
nicgee: butchery, rum venison, isle of rum, october, 2012 003
nicgee: PANO_20120830_093830
nicgee: Bonnie at the top gate
nicgee: Star and Margo
nicgee: Tom & Barbara
nicgee: first crops
nicgee: duck hut
nicgee: Dave the cockerel
nicgee: The ducks
nicgee: with the pigs
nicgee: carrying the pig arc
nicgee: putting up the electric fence
nicgee: IMG_20120523_122736
nicgee: clipping wings
nicgee: very excited
nicgee: very happy
nicgee: Dave the cockerel
nicgee: SAM_3713