nicgee: easter egg hunt 042
nicgee: easter egg hunt 044
nicgee: easter egg hunt 054
nicgee: easter egg hunt 055
nicgee: easter egg hunt 056
nicgee: easter egg hunt 057
nicgee: playing pool
nicgee: playing pool
nicgee: south downs way
nicgee: south downs way
nicgee: lambs tail
nicgee: cows
nicgee: watching the cows
nicgee: orphaned lambs for cuddling
nicgee: brand new lamb
nicgee: calving
nicgee: ahead with the dogs
nicgee: worried about her muddy shoes
nicgee: freckles coming out
nicgee: sunkissed cheeks
nicgee: off the bus and into high-vis
nicgee: come closer
nicgee: beginning his tale
nicgee: still dark
nicgee: listening to the story of the horned god
nicgee: storyteller
nicgee: telling his tale from up a tree
nicgee: following the storyteller
nicgee: devils dyke at dawn
nicgee: crossaint, hot chocolate and stories