nicgee: Kirsty, James, Marcus and the flat man
nicgee: Alex
nicgee: another Monster and Marcus in the sea shot
nicgee: splashing around
nicgee: Marcus
nicgee: Alex
nicgee: Monster. Wet.
nicgee: splashing
nicgee: Marcus
nicgee: Marcus
nicgee: Marcus
nicgee: Alex
nicgee: James
nicgee: Alex
nicgee: Monster on the rocks
nicgee: helping hands
nicgee: Alex
nicgee: James
nicgee: Wet!
nicgee: Just after the wave struck!
nicgee: Just before the wave struck
nicgee: ice cream
nicgee: ice cream
nicgee: ice cream
nicgee: ice cream stand
nicgee: Calippo
nicgee: Ice cream
nicgee: feast
nicgee: ice cream
nicgee: ice cream