nicco: Rascal on the deck
nicco: Helping me plant a vegetable garden
nicco: Rascal up close
nicco: Note the white tufts of Rascal hair in Uno's claws
nicco: I don't do photos
nicco: Uno loves the backyard
nicco: Uno the fat cat
nicco: Rascal cleaning Uno's ears
nicco: Uno has had enough
nicco: Rascal & Uno in the backyard
nicco: Hide & go seek
nicco: Wrestling for fun
nicco: Our fence
nicco: Jonas and his grand-dog
nicco: Rascal & his grandfather
nicco: Rascal takes a nap in the planter
nicco: Rascal hangs out in the planter
nicco: Uno chillin'
nicco: Checking things out
nicco: A wayward bird? lunch?
nicco: Catching the breeze
nicco: Rascal napping in the planter
nicco: Uno airs out
nicco: what's that?
nicco: Lazy Saturday afternoon
nicco: Our garden
nicco: Exhausted in the kitchen