nicelobster: Sierra Buttes
nicelobster: Siera Buttes
nicelobster: Big G and Rab
nicelobster: Laura and Kursten before 2nd divide
nicelobster: Nica, Bergen, and Big G at the top of Deer Lake
nicelobster: Rab, Bergen, and Big G
nicelobster: Bergen, G, and Rab mid-ride
nicelobster: Donnie, Laura, Rab, G, and Bergen
nicelobster: Nica, Donnie, Laura, Rab and G after the downhill
nicelobster: Shannon and John hiking
nicelobster: Shannon, John, and Bergen
nicelobster: hiking
nicelobster: Shannon and John before the ride
nicelobster: Amanda and G
nicelobster: Daron working in the shop
nicelobster: Daron installing my new rotor!
nicelobster: Johnny Twa and Shannon
nicelobster: Bergen, Rab, and G
nicelobster: Big G and Davey
nicelobster: Maryetta and Brandon
nicelobster: Chris and Big G before the ride
nicelobster: Nica and Big G
nicelobster: Nica and Big G Prom pic
nicelobster: Chris in his tanning glory
nicelobster: Joe and Ian chilling at Sax
nicelobster: Big G, Brandon, and Rolpher
nicelobster: Nica, G, and Mick at the lake