nic_macbean: Applause
nic_macbean: Courtney Wilson and Andrew Antoniolli
nic_macbean: Courtney Wilson and Eric Tlozek
nic_macbean: Courtney Wilson, Paul Tully and Eric Tlozek
nic_macbean: Eric Tlozek and Courtney Wilson
nic_macbean: Eric Tlozek, Genevieve Hussey, Madonna Oliver and unknown
nic_macbean: Genevieve Hussey and Shayne Neumann
nic_macbean: Heather Morrow, Andrew Antoniolli and Annette Schoone
nic_macbean: Jo-Ann Miller, Paul Tully, Spencer Howson and Jen Brennen
nic_macbean: Mark Bowling and Steve Axe
nic_macbean: Mark Bowling cuts the cake
nic_macbean: Mark Bowling cutting the cake
nic_macbean: Nicole Bond and Rebekah van Druten
nic_macbean: Plaque from Ipswich City Council
nic_macbean: Sam Walker, Courtney Wilson and Jessica Bayfield
nic_macbean: Shayne Neumman, Courtney Wilson, Jo-Ann Miller and Eric Tlozek
nic_macbean: Spencer Howson and Shayne Neumann
nic_macbean: View from outside the Ipswich ABC News bureau