Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]: so so semi-precious in your detached world
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]: Ah, it will be a familiar story, a story that is so very, very old, and yet it is so new
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]: shine at the end of the tunnel
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]: magic comes from nature comes from magic ad infinitum
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]: all feels like a dream to me
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]: outfit of the day: today's my day (?)
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]: i need you like a chandelier needs gravity
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]: All aboard the #Madison #hipster #bus which is now complete with #Rosietheriveter for some delicious faux #feminism.