Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
wild horses
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
the dead can't complain
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
someday you will die and somehow someone's gonna steal your carbon
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Schlechteste Frau der welt
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
the hangmen of san sabal
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
where did you go loring
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
I came as a rat
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
things i learn
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
#drive #kavinsky I'm giving you a night call to tell you how i feel. Also note, best of roxy music, ten$ion by die antwoord, and cellar door by john vanderslice.
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
and for all of it, we never budge an inch.
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
disgruntled americans