Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Count yr blessings
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Ridin' nerdy
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Don't make me
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
You're gonna go far, kid
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
The kicks
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Moose loose
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
This time he ain't comin' home.
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Hide and seek
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Chop you up
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
I'll never stop
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
sirens sang in monotone
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
at half mast again
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
cross your heart, click your heels and get the hell away (all this could be yours someday)
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
I'll try too hard to forget your face (I never will)
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
if the world ended today, would you even give a damn?
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
trapped trapped trapped
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
never again will he see the light of day
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
I couldn't believe the news today
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
i has dreams that brings me sadness
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
rev rip shred tear shed tears
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
for the convalescent
Viking Astronaut Asa [[Kryptomaisonaut]]:
all work & no play