Niamh Sage: 001 us holding up the traffic
Niamh Sage: 002 everyone hopping out of the janplezier
Niamh Sage: 003 everyone hopping out of the janplezier 2
Niamh Sage: 004 arriving at the church
Niamh Sage: 005 alook at the neighbours
Niamh Sage: 006 inside the church
Niamh Sage: 007 dad and aunty fi
Niamh Sage: 008 mum and dominee
Niamh Sage: 009 met mum and dad bij kerk
Niamh Sage: 010 getting flowers at church door
Niamh Sage: 011 Arni, dominee and ouderling waiting to come in
Niamh Sage: 012 arni waiting for me
Niamh Sage: 013 aisle kerk
Niamh Sage: 014 dad handing me over
Niamh Sage: 015 congregation
Niamh Sage: 016 congregation 2
Niamh Sage: 017 beginning of service
Niamh Sage: 018 us laughing at the never ending music
Niamh Sage: 019 us explaining flowers 2
Niamh Sage: 020 aunty fi, aunty pam and uncle bob flowers
Niamh Sage: 021 miracle of loaves and flowers
Niamh Sage: 021b Arni's family
Niamh Sage: 022 Dominee
Niamh Sage: 023 Jose reading
Niamh Sage: 024 Dominee overweging
Niamh Sage: 025 intercessory prayer
Niamh Sage: 026 Marieke reading 2
Niamh Sage: 027 Standing for our vows
Niamh Sage: 027b Dominee 2
Niamh Sage: 028 Arni dons the gauntlet