nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits (Current Large display)
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits (power large display)
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits (Voltage graph)
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits (Voltage large display)
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits (Multi - Peaks)
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits (Current Large display)
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits
nialpearce: USB Tester and OLED Backpack for 32x128 Display by FriedCircuits
nialpearce: Rear of 4 designs for Philips Luxeon Rebel LEDs
nialpearce: 4 designs for Philips Luxeon Rebel LEDs
nialpearce: 4 designs for Philips Luxeon Rebel LEDs
nialpearce: 4 designs for Philips Luxeon Rebel LEDs
nialpearce: OSHStencils Solder Paste stencil for Espruino board.
nialpearce: Lots of Protos...
nialpearce: Smartmaker Open System clearly showing OSHW logo
nialpearce: BoldPort Reddit Token Proto all lit up!
nialpearce: Rear of BoldPort Reddit token with LED's and Resistors soldered on.
nialpearce: Rear of BoldPort Reddit Token before I added the LEDs and resistors.
nialpearce: Smartmaker + DigiSpark + Adafruit Pixel Stick
nialpearce: Reddit Tag prototype by BoldPort
nialpearce: Smartmaker to DigiSpark Adaptor Proto and Basic Smartbus Mirror with SmartCore U
nialpearce: Smartmaker to DigiX converter
nialpearce: DigiX Beta with Bonus Shield & LCD
nialpearce: IMAG1728
nialpearce: IMAG1726
nialpearce: Philips Luxeon Rebel LED on heatsink breakout
nialpearce: Philips Luxeon Mega Bright LED