NIAID: Immunomagnetic Bead Selection of E. coli
NIAID: HIV-infected H9 T Cell
NIAID: MERS-CoV Particles
NIAID: Malaria: Plasmodium gallinaceum
NIAID: Light and Electron Micrographs
NIAID: Freeze Fracture Replicas
NIAID: Freeze-Fractured Specimens
NIAID: High-Pressure Freezing
NIAID: Leica EMPact2 High Pressure Freezer
NIAID: Correlative Light and Electron Micrograph of Infected HeLa Cells
NIAID: Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)
NIAID: Specimens in Vitreous lce
NIAID: FEI Vitrobot
NIAID: Cryo-Sections
NIAID: Cryo-Preserved Bacteria
NIAID: Ruffle Formation Induced by S. Typhimurium
NIAID: Phenotypic variants of N. gonorrhoeae
NIAID: Comparison of Room Temperature and Cryo Methods
NIAID: Examples of Embedded and Sectioned Material
NIAID: Negative Staining Examples
NIAID: Immune-Labeled Specimens
NIAID: Nanogold Labeling
NIAID: Colloidal Gold Labeling
NIAID: Post-Section Labeling
NIAID: Scanning Electron Micrographs
NIAID: Hitachi SU-8000 SEM
NIAID: FEI/Tecnai BT Sprit Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM)
NIAID: Microwave With Cryo-Platform
NIAID: Zeiss 510 Meta Confocal Microscope
NIAID: Cryo-Thermal Device