NH woodchuck: the millpond in early spring
NH woodchuck: crocus
NH woodchuck: into the light
NH woodchuck: "cornell pink" azalea
NH woodchuck: two magnolias
NH woodchuck: ripples on the millpond
NH woodchuck: looking up at monadnock from Jaffrey, NH, early spring
NH woodchuck: hobblebush in flower
NH woodchuck: beech leaves opening on monadnock
NH woodchuck: violets
NH woodchuck: flowering northern peach
NH woodchuck: emerging hostas
NH woodchuck: cortland apple blossoms
NH woodchuck: redbud in flower
NH woodchuck: johnny jump-ups
NH woodchuck: more johnny jump-ups
NH woodchuck: rock cress
NH woodchuck: wake-robin
NH woodchuck: purple lilac
NH woodchuck: the work at hand
NH woodchuck: after the rain
NH woodchuck: spurge
NH woodchuck: primula
NH woodchuck: false solomon's seal
NH woodchuck: siberian iris