New Hampshire Public Radio: Dave Kellam and Pickerel
New Hampshire Public Radio: Clay and Sea Lamprey
New Hampshire Public Radio: Dave Kellam Bow Fishing
New Hampshire Public Radio: Dave Kellam Bow and Arrow
New Hampshire Public Radio: Dave and Clay looking for carp
New Hampshire Public Radio: Still Looking for Carp
New Hampshire Public Radio: Canoeing on Merrimack
New Hampshire Public Radio: Baiting Carp with Pizza Dough and Corn
New Hampshire Public Radio: Clay Groves dropping the small mouth bass he caught
New Hampshire Public Radio: Fishing bait and tackle
New Hampshire Public Radio: No caught for Dave Kellam
New Hampshire Public Radio: Clay Groves and Dave Kellam, Catch-m-all
New Hampshire Public Radio: Walleye frying and creamy cheese sauce
New Hampshire Public Radio: Slimy Sculpin Scampi Served
New Hampshire Public Radio: Bon Appetit, Slimy Sculpin is Served
New Hampshire Public Radio: Slimy Sculpin on plate