NH53: Start of walk to the stones
NH53: Direction sign on the walk
NH53: Final stage of the walk
NH53: Barrows
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Arrow showing midwinter sunset
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Heel Stone
NH53: Traffic queues on the A303
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Starlings on one of the stones
NH53: Heel Stone
NH53: Stonehenge
NH53: Heel Stone and ditch
NH53: Walking routes
NH53: Rooks
NH53: Queueing for the shuttle bus
NH53: Rook
NH53: Shuttle bus
NH53: Memorial
NH53: Old milestone
NH53: Road to the visitor centre
NH53: Replica neolithic hut
NH53: Sarsen stone
NH53: Stonehenge in 1978 or 1979